
SD Card Reader Toggle

Here's a utility I wrote for GBM users wishing to toggle their SD Card Readers on and off. Specifically form this forum thread.

The app will basically install the devcon utility (which is what is actually enabling and disabling the device) into the c:\temp folder.   The app is a simple toggle, if the SDHost Device is enabled, it will disable it.  If it is disabled, it will enable it.

(note: it usually takes longer to enable than to disable)

This was Written in Autoit V

Click Here to Download

I'm open to suggestions so feel free to comment.


PlayList Maker (M3U)

Here's a little DOS Batch file that will output the contents of a folder (and subfolders) to a M3U Playlist.
I put mp3 ogg and mp4 as the defaults, but you can add some more (or take some out).

Create a batchfile (playlist.bat) and add these lines:

@for /f "delims=." %%A in (%0) do set playlist=%%A
@dir *.* /a-d /b/s |findstr "mp3 ogg mp4" > "%playlist%.m3u"

You'll notice that the output is a file of the same name as your bat file without the bat extension (playlist.m3u).

Remember, it recurses folders so you'll get alot of output if you put it on a root folder of your massive mp3 collection. To change it to non recursive (no subfolders) just take out the /s from the second line.